Sitemap for The Mission of John Manimas


Website Welcome Page 

          >>>  Mission and Purpose 

Literary works of John Manimas

          >>>  For the Unknowable Zen 

          >>>  Stories by John Manimas 

          >>>  Poems by John Manimas

Major Content One:

          >>>  The Science in the New Testament 

Major Content Two:

          >>>  SOLITU the Secret of Life in the Universe 

Major Content Three:

          >>>  Timeworks – stories of the meaning of time 

Major Content Four:

          >>>  Revolution by Vote

          >>>  The Four Steps to Democracy 

Contact Site Administrator / owner:

          >>>  Contact information 


Welcome to the Mission of John Manimas



Summation of this website: There is a vast conspiracy of life and we are members.



For the (Unknowable Zen): mysterious events.


Very short (Stories) by John Manimas. Additional stories in Timeworks.


Short (Poems) by John Manimas.


Why did John Manimas devote over 54 years searching for the answers to (four questions) ?


Understanding the following four crucial truths is necessary in order for American Civilization to survive and succeed.


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1)  (UPDATE Your Knowledge) [The Primacy of Stewardship].  The history of Western Civilization is based on a mistake:  the Gospel message is science; the primacy of stewardship is a physical law of the universe, not a moral option. Quote:  "There are many who claim a kinship to Jesus, or custody of his teaching and legacy, but I am one of the few who paid him the courtesy of actually listening to what he said."  -- John Manimas, 2010. From the book: One's action of love occurs at a time that is inconvenient, at a place that is uncomfortable, under circumstances that are awkward, surrounded by chaos, uncertainty and fear.



2) SOLITU The Secret of Life in the Universe.  2,500 years ago the Pythagoreans posed a riddle [or declarative statement]: Can we construct a circle exactly equal in area to a given square using only the compass and straightedge (?) Since I first heard this Pythagorean riddle, in 1957 when I was thirteen years old, I have always believed that the Pythagoreans would not have asked the question if the answer were "No." I have been searching for a positive solution since 1971, 54 years. They also said that "proportion is everything," and that is the key to understanding the real, physical universe.  Proportion is the fundamental force that creates the universe, turns inert particulate matter into the living creation.  Mathematics is our perception of proportion.  Proportion is the source of material structure and the universe is not mathematical.  Brains are mathematical. I previously posted massive notes of trigonometry research, then came to believe that no one was interested. I may post a reasonable history of my research after I find the positive solution. That could mean disclosure.


3)  (Timeworks).  Time is a fiction of consciousness.  There is no such thing as time that is independent of the simple operation of counting cyclical events.  Nature is process only and does not need "time" as a "dimension" to accomplish anything.  Nature simply is, but does not keep records.  A technological animal, a calculating, learning observer keeps records because they must in order to learn how the universe works and how to make things.  Our need to learn cause and effect is the reason we conceive of past, present and future, time.  There is no concrete evidence of time, nothing that can be measured other than the sequence of cyclical events.


4)  (Revolution by Vote) The real democracy movement and voter motivation. This issue is addressed in detail at another site named "Votomotive FSTD." We in the United States of America live in a political mess created by a political class that has made politics a game for the rich and selfish.  Just as our laws require jury duty in order to keep the Constitutional promise of a trial by jury, we should keep the Constitutional promise of res publica.  In a real democracy the majority rules, not a minority that passes laws to suppress voting by their political opposition.  Election reform includes the common goal of creating an effective election system that enables voters to give the power of government to new political parties.  Real democracy requires that established and entrenched political parties can be removed from the offices of authority – by ballots.

Our Votes Make History


The (Four Steps) to democracy in America:


CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR OF MJM John Manimas. Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you think.