SOLITU: Aristotle's OM
Copyright 2015, John Manimas Medeiros
Are we still learning from Aristotle? A friend loaned me the following book:
Aristotle's Children, by Richard E. Rubenstein (2003, Harcourt, Inc.) I read every page.
The quotes of the book below are intended as fair use in order to offer praise for Rubinstein's work and to argue that Aristotle's description of the universe was probably scientifically accurate, as well as to recommend that Rubinstein's discussion of the relationship between science and religion is thought we all need to dwell upon. If you like to learn why we are where we are, get this book.
Aristotle's OM
Here is one example of words alleged to be from Aristotle, and by author Rubenstein:
Chapter Four (Aristotle Among the Heretics): p. 164: [Aristotle's statement in "natural philosophy" which we know today as physical science] "Everything in the natural universe [real physical universe] is composed of matter and form [shape, proportion] --- primary, inchoate [shapeless] material given an intelligible [detectable, measureable] shape and purpose."
Rubenstein's citation of Aristotle without my editorial commentary: "Everything in the natural universe is composed of matter and form --- primary, inchoate material given an intelligible shape and purpose."
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