Social Science
I am sitting here today eating tomatoes from my garden
and it is hotter than a witch's twitter.
I don't care because the clouds are as soft as angora.
I am old and smart enough, finally, not to worry.
I probably don't hear a third of what you say
but that is just fine because if two-thirds
of what you say is worth hearing,
you are doing better than most.
Actually, if you say anything important,
I will remember it for the rest of my life,
like the math teacher, Mr. Launer,
who said,
"It's not a question of what you want to do;
it's a question of what needs to be done."
So there you have it.
You took the risk of reading a poem,
and now you understand the mystery of life.
Not bad for two minutes of light concentration.
John S. Medeiros, July 2019
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