Pray Tell


What if there are a zazadillion people in our galaxy?

How does God keep track of all the prayers?

How do they get rated?

Which to respond to right away?

Which to ignore (holy spam)?


I think I'll go back to praying to God,

or at least to "They who listen."

Just thinking:  if someone is listening,

they are either God or AI AG.

An old habit, just makes me feel better.

Like some being with power cares.

And might even do something.


It is hard to pray sincerely when one

considers the aliens – or the thousands

of "biological entities" in the universe.


You are a BE.  I am a BE.

Nature does the same thing over and over again

But on a different scale.

You fight me.  We fight them.

Family fights family, clan-clan, tribe-tribe,

Country fights country.

Alliance fights gang.

Jesus!  Even religion fights religion.

Who is going to make things better?


Butter makes things better.

Special flavoring makes the batter better.

Booter bitter better butter batter.


Everything is faster, faster, faster.

Transportation, communication, loveamation.

Fast food, fast drinks, fast money.

Where the hell is my fast salvation?

What's up, God?  Can't get with modern times?

I want to be saved yesterday.

Don’t be so old fashioned.

You of all beings don't have to be traditional!

Get with it. 

Don't make me wait for salvation on a platter.

I want zoomation.

You invented everything.

Salvation should be as fast as a parking ticket.


        Copyright 2024, John  M. Medeiros

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