Life Planning Seminar


Chakra Doreme, founder of the Lemonase Corporation

Will be facilitating a life planning seminar

At the Open Life Center in Nashville,

October 30, 2232, for persons who have

Received the life-extending genetic modification


Having a new lifespan of 10,000 years presents

New challenges along with new opportunities for

Those who have taken this giant step in the new science of

Lifespan extension.

Topics will include:

The first thousand years;

Not aging gracefully;

Saying goodbye;

Blocks of time;

Self-sufficiency over the new lifespan;

Long term projects;

Maintaining interest;

Managing professional relationships;

Love, friendship, and moving on.

Certification for college credits

Will require production of a 100 year plan

And completing the plan within the

Designated 100-year period.

You must be at least 200 years old

To participate in this seminar. 


               John P. Manimas, March 2021

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