Our Planet
Well we are seven billion strong and we have been here for
25 million years, our ancestors over a hundred million years.
Therefore our claim to this planet should be both respectable
And legally binding – we take good care of Earth.
Our greatest strength is perhaps our ability to carry a disease
That is deadly to others but does not bother us at all.
The next best trait, and a most admirable trait, is that we
Can survive eating practically anything that exists on our planet:
Nuts, cheese, soap, every conceivable grain, dead monkeys,
Cats, dogs, virtually any animal that is weakened and tastes
At least as good as a rotten apple or an old horse.
There are only a few species that thrive here as well as we do:
Ants, other insects, small birds (delicious fresh in the nest) and
Of course the dominant primate "homo ignoramus" who produces
More food than they could possibly consume and then spreads it
All over the world – they call it "garbage," and we clean it up
Although we are falling behind because these incredibly destructive
Smiling, yacking primates produce toxins and disrupt the balance
Of nature with their eternal "unintended consequences" that
Threaten to kill us all, either slowly or quickly.
Who cares about their "better technology" wherefore they can fly
And build homes of concrete and glass, construct their pathways
Everywhere made of poison asphalt, concrete or steel rails.
Of course they are so proud that they can fly, and they persistently
Outsmart the diseases the universe brings to them – must admit
They are wily. And dishonest, always lying about what they
Are doing and their goals and motivation.
It's a good thing they don't eat rocks, or do they?
We hear that the world is running out of sand. And water,
And oxygen, and plants and animals have lost their spaces
Here because the prime destroyer takes possession of everything.
What good is their "better technology," their higher plane of
Existence, their spiritual dimensions and all that bullshit.
A stone the size of Manhattan ends it all, for them, for us,
For our planet. We know our place and we don't destroy
Everything. We just eat everything, and fertilize the world.
We know what we are, but the insane humans just cannot
Let go of their delusions of grandeur.
Now they want to travel in space, find other planets to
Terrorize and turn into garbage. Bon Voyage.
Good luck on your "spiritual plane," Asshole.
Copyright 2024, John Ratus Medeiros
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