Away With Words
Sometimes I half always had a weigh with swords.
I became a wear that I herd music better with my I's closed.
And then I found a whole book that con firmed that I am right.
We are story tellers. Everything is a story.
One thing at a time.
Even when you explain any thing you are telling a story.
What you did last Thursday; why you prefer black coffee;
and how light passes through a glass window.
Are all a story you tell with words found in your speak on airy.
But some words are lost.
You are at a loss for words.
I am at a loss for words.
But wait.
"Loss" is a word as is "for" and "words."
We were not at a loss.
It's just that we told a story about loss and about words.
I don't know what you want me to say,
but I just said it.
We are an ox and a moron.
My word story will end when I die.
But wait.
You, or some other parsonage will pick up where I dropped off.
The story must go on …
Without me,
the universe will still be, including someone telling a story.
But wait.
If ever all brains are dead, there will still be a universe,
But not a story.
That's my story, you see, and it's stickin' to me.
John W. Medeiros, November 2019
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