A View From the Stars
There are so many planets …
Let's look at one.
This is a lush, blessed planet,
life in abundance,
a technological animal that learns fast,
at times,
but occasionally makes dangerous mistakes.
Life unfolds here like a hot iron
pan of popping corn.
A kernel is born and warms
immediately to the joys of experience,
the pain of the body
that is the cart for great thoughts,
imagination, hopes, dreams, plans.
Visions of how things should be, could be,
we want to be, rise up as holy mists.
Millions of bubbly kernels swell with
experience and knowledge.
Some know much about the universe
their world
other worlds
all worlds.
Grand concepts and sublime
understanding grow in the
hot oils of a thinking life.
Then POP! ---
The knowledge is gone
and replaced in a splash
with a dry tasteless frizz.
Back to inventory.
Let's watch more closely, again.
The quantity of knowledge
rises rapidly like the thin column
of a thermometer,
like the quick straight lines of rain.
See each line grow longer,
a gauge of insight for each lifetime.
All that knowledge available for use,
It's gone.
And there is always some new popcorn
around to carry the knowledge
available on and for this planet,
until the final POP.
Then all swept away by
immeasurable force,
the popped kernels go back
to a new start as simple
molecules that know nothing at all.
Or do they?
John V. Manimas, August, 2022
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