Alien Disclosure


We are the same as you in many ways but also

different in ways that you may deem important.

We live only momentarily in the present but

mostly we live in the past and the future.

We do not live as much as we imitate life.

Life itself is too bland for us, tedious and boring.

Thus we invent realities for us to play with like

the toys of a child, piled disordered in a box

we call "stories" labelled as tragedy and comedy.

In this way we stimulate our hearts with sadness

and joy, tears and laughter, which would otherwise

fall asleep in a silent, still and gray universe.

Scattered stars are for us only salt spilled on black.


We play with life, our lives, the lives of others, yours.

We watch ourselves, our thoughts, our dreams, our stories.

We call ourselves "actors" when we pretend to be others.

We give ourselves rewards and high praise for how

artistically we pretend, for how effectively one of us

places themself in another body, another life, another mind.

We begin this pattern as children, pretending and pretending

to pretend, dramatically passionate, amazingly flawed,

building and destroying to levels surprising to Shiva,

frightening to Jehovah, disappointing, distracting to Buddha.

We pay most of our time and attention to images of reality,

drawings, paintings, stories, plays, dramas, films, videos,

artificial intelligence, fake news, illusions, the holy ghost.

We invest our time and energies in revising the past

and previewing a future beyond ordinary reality.

We have little use for the universe in this moment

which we see as passing more quickly than one of

our thoughts or anthologies of our creations.

We marvel at your patience and acceptance of the

reality of this day, this minute, this hour,

a brief emergence

encompassed in meaningless comprehension.

We were.  We learned.  We are gone.

Our existence is just a story because we are gone.

Collect driftwood, bones, stones, pictures.

Imagine us, the past and the future.

A galaxy is a silk scarf floating on a breeze.

The universe is a bowl of rice.


        Copyright 2025, John  A. Medeiros


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