A Theory of Electromagnetic Propulsion and the Incredible Horse-shit Clock
Copyright 2005, 2008, John Manimas Medeiros. All Rights Reserved.
In order to understand my theory of electromagnetic propulsion, you must first understand the fiction of time. Let me begin with those who learn fast. By reading the following very short story, you can understand completely what time is and what it is not, and how we need to correct our common error in our view of time in the universe. Time exists only in our minds, not outside the brain of a calculating, learning observer.
The Incredible Horse-Shit Clock, by John Manimas
A farmer noticed that he had a horse, a new breed that needed to be named, so he decided to call it the "Clock" horse. This horse had many valuable qualities known in horses. It was calm and obedient, and it ran fast and could work all day too. It also had a very new and unexpected quality. It took a shit at very regular intervals. In fact, scientists from all over the world came to study the horse and its regular droppings. It was scientifically established, by the use of mechanical and electronic clocks and even the atomic cesium clock, that the horse took a shit exactly every two hours. This is, of course, the horse-shit clock. This proves, amazingly, that time is found everywhere in Nature, even in horse shit.
Now, let me speak to those who need more of an explanation.
There is no entity time that exists independently or has a substance or physical reality in the physical universe. All measurements are comparisons because I can show you a piece of physical material and talk about its weight, or its length but I cannot show you a piece of weight or a piece of length. Our brains are habitual and so we develop the habit of thinking of length as a length of something and weight as the weight of something. But, in reality, we cannot talk about length without reference to a pre-defined length in comparison. For example, when we say that a stick appears to be about three meters long, we are saying that the length of the stick is nearly equal to three sticks, each a meter long. Likewise, when we say that a rock feels like it weighs five kilograms, we are saying that this rock feels like the weight of five rocks, each weighing one kilogram. If you try, seriously, to say something about the length or the weight of any object, you cannot make your statement without making reference to another length or another weight, respectively. Everything is proportion. All natural phenomenon occur because of proportion. There are no absolute values that can be discussed or conceived of in any meaningful way except in proportion to something else.
Brain puzzle sidebar: The falling tree story, revised: If a tree that is thirty-five feet tall falls in the woods when no one is there to see it fall -- and measure it -- is it still thirty-five feet tall?
This is true also for time. Let me describe what time really is. Time is a measurement of duration, and duration is a fiction of consciousness. In order to be conscious and have the ability to compare one action to another action, each action has to have a comparative duration. Some actions take longer to complete than others. Therefore, with time, we are not comparing one thing to another thing, but rather we are comparing one event to another event. But still we are comparing a specific or special quality of two events. We are comparing their proportional durations. Events have other qualities, of course. An event can be beautiful, boring, exciting, explosive, gradual, frightening, encouraging. These are all more or less sophisticated qualities that our brains attribute to events, or use to describe events. But, possibly the most essential quality of any and all events, to us, is the duration of an event. How long does it take for the event to be completed, from beginning to end -- even if we are not necessarily certain about a very clear point of beginning or a very precise point of ending. In any case, we want to know how long it takes, not how long in length, but how long in duration. And of course it is interesting that in our language, and perhaps in others, time is described with words similar to the words we use to describe length. We say, "He will be gone for a long time," or "I hope this does not take very long," or "Are we there yet?" Are we there? means are we at our destination. Are we there yet? adds an issue of time. It implies, Has enough time elapsed for us to be there? Is this trip, an event that requires a specified amount of time, over? While this discussion will appear to be semantic, it is in fact possibly the most important discussion for scientists and human beings to explore with the utmost seriousness. This is so because I am certain that time is a fiction of consciousness, and that it has no independent existence, and if this is correct then all of twentieth century science must be revised to distinguish between human plans and human time measurements and the process of the natural universe. In my universe, all human plans and human time measurements are strictly human actions and human calculations. They are in fact, nothing more nor less than human measurements used so that humans can act and communicate with some degree of control and precision that is commonly achievable and acceptable in human society. However, although these time measurements are necessary for humans to communicate and act socially, and scientifically, and to plan and execute their most challenging accomplishments, none of that is proof that time exists independently of the human brain. Human activity is not in itself proof that Nature requires time in order to do what it does. It does not. Nature does not recognize or include time in its process. A tree has rings, and the human brain has conceived that each ring represents a year of growth and can be counted, and that can be the age of the tree in years. And, each year is the time it takes for the Earth to revolve once around the sun. So, you see, we cannot count the rings unless we count the revolutions of the Earth. And, the revolution of the Earth, like all useful time references, is a regular interval. Any regular interval is the duration of a repetitive or cyclical event that occurs reliably again following a regular or "fixed" duration. How do we know the duration of a cyclical event is reliable or "regular" or "fixed?" We know only by comparison, by its proportional relationship to another regular cyclical event. The universe is full of cyclical events, so there is no shortage of time or duration proportions. It is just that some cycles are more regular than others. The tree ring and the year are in proportion as one to one. But the phases of the moon and the year are something close to thirteen to one. The Earth does not count its years, we do. The waterfall does not count the number of gallons that pass over its edge each second, we do. The second has no independent existence. It can be described in a number of ways, but always in proportion to some other event of proportional duration, such as, one sixtieth of a minute, one 3,600th of an hour, one 86,400th of a day. To verify that we have constantly searched for, and found, throughout our history, reliable regular intervals of time, just ask yourself if any of the following time intervals would be satisfactory measures of time for daily use: the time it takes a child to eat a hot dog; the time it takes for an ant to climb a tree; the time it takes for a glass of water to evaporate; the time it takes you to scream after being stung by a bee; the time it takes for a stick to burn. I could go on, but hopefully this helps you to support my argument. If you still believe that time exists outside our own brains, I am afraid that the human species is doomed. I do not know what more I can do to prove this vitally important reality of the universe, but I will continue to work on persuasive discourse on time, or experiments if necessary, because it is vital to the success of the species. In order to succeed, we must understand the universe as it really is, and not as it appears to be.
Time is a factor in the equations of physics and mathematics. That is fine. This is necessary because these equations describe a human measurement. Our measurements include duration, or time. This is necessary in order to communicate any description of cause and effect. In order to understand cause and effect, and in order to communicate any and all incidents of cause and effect, we must make reference to duration. Also, without this sense of duration in the first place, we could not have a mental capacity to perceive cause and effect. In order to perceive that one event has caused another, one must have a strong and clear perception of certain events occurring separately from other events, such as before or after other events. Notice that if we did not have these concepts, before, now, after, past, present, future, we could not talk about any occurrence of cause and effect. Therefore, as wild and backward as it may seem, we had to develop the mental concepts of past, present, and future before we could conceive of any chain of cause and effect. My argument, therefore, is that this is why we have such a strong concept of time in our brains, because the concept of change, or events succeeding or following previous events, is absolutely necessary for any intelligent being. Without this ability to conceive of time intervals, it is impossible to conceive of cause and effect. Since this ability is absolutely necessary prior to the conception of cause and effect, I feel this is sufficient evidence to conclude that this is the reason why we believe in time. Stated a little differently, because the conception of separate times to contain separate events is necessary in order to separate a causal event from an effect event, we have a habit of thinking of time or duration as being an independent entity. But, this is a fiction of consciousness or a fiction of intelligence. The universe is not a brain, and it does not need time. Nature does not need time, and Nature does not produce anything that it does not need.
A Theory of Electromagnetic Propulsion, by John Manimas
People who have witnessed UFO's in action have described the behavior of the UFO ships as though they are not subject to any of the limitations of human aircraft. They appear to travel in whatever direction is chosen instantaneously, with no need to bank or turn through an extended curve. They rise up or go down suddenly at the same high velocities. They have often been seen to emerge from bodies of water, or dive into bodies of water. They often appear to travel at speeds that would produce a very high number of G's or gravitational accelerations, enough to crush and kill a human being. Therefore, one of the most interesting questions about the UFO's is that if it is true that they are controlled by intelligent beings, how do these beings endure the tremendous acceleration?
I believe I have a theory that explains all of the mysteries of UFO behavior. First, I will say that the reason the intelligent beings in the UFO craft endure the acceleration is because there is no acceleration. How can that be? This can be because the UFO craft do not accelerate and they do not travel through time, and they do not travel in time. They do not travel in our sense of the word. What they do is they move, but they move only in the present. There is no force pushing the ship in one direction. This is why there is no acceleration. To make this a little more logical, and coherent, we need to talk about electromagnetic force, and continue to think of the propulsion system of the UFO's as being able to accomplish an electromagnetic "displacement."
The most important concept that must be understood and propagated to enable us to grow and move forward is the concept that Nature does not need time to "operate." And, therefore, Nature does not have time. Because we are intelligent beings, with brains that control us, we need the concept of time. We need memories and records in order to have access to how the laws of Nature work. But, Nature needs only its laws, which are self-existent and "automatic" and Nature does not need a place to store memories of its own laws. Therefore, Nature has no memory. Since Nature has no memory, it has no records. This means that nowhere in Nature is there anything that compares to our human mental experience of time. There is no past, present and future in Nature. Many events have occurred in the past. This is correct. It is correct for me to say it and for me, or you, to write it, to communicate this concept that events have occurred in the past. But this is a record, a memory, for us. We need it. We use these records and memories. But Nature has no need and no use for memories or records. Therefore, Nature just is. Nature IS, and that means there is only a present or a present existence in Nature and for Nature. There is no fabric of time, or string of time, or chain, or passage of time or ticking of time or anything of time in Nature. There is only the process, and what was is gone forever and what is IS and what will be is NOT KNOWN, but even though the future is not known the intelligent brain has memories and knowledge and wants to know what is going to occur and therefore the intelligent brain anticipates, expects, fears, predicts and looks forward to the future. Nature does none of this. Nature just IS. And, that means we will never be able to travel through time because time does not exist as a physical entity. But, if there is no time in Nature, the key to traveling from place to place is not to use an accelerating force but to use a force that can cause a living being and a non-living ship to move in the present. If the ship, all the molecules of the ship and all the living molecules of the passengers in the ship, move one tenth of a centimeter, in the present, due to electromagnetic displacement, then nothing has been accelerated and nothing has traveled over time. All that has happened is a thing has moved from one position to another in the present. This probably sounds wild, and totally foolish, but don't leave yet. Let's talk about electricity, magnetism and gravity.
The UFO's have been described as being, or being driven by, an anti-gravity machine. This is because they appear to suspend the force of gravity. But, it is well known that scientists have suspected for a long time that electricity, magnetism and gravity are closely related, or are in some as yet unknown way really the same force. We have found a way to convert magnetism to electrical force, and vice versa. Does that mean there is a way to convert either magnetism or electrical force into gravity, or anti-gravity? What if magnetism is a special form of gravity? I have read that in a magnetic piece of iron, the molecules are all aligned in an orderly manner. Can we align the molecules of other substances? What would be the effect? What if it is possible to generate a strong electromagnetic force, and then use it to "move" all of the molecules in the ship, including its living passengers, one tenth of centimeter in a particular direction? The reports of witnesses say that the UFO's possess a strong electromagnetic effect. They cause engines to stop and interfere with electrical systems of all kinds. They give off some kind of radiation that is similar to the radioactivity we associate with atomic bombs, and yet it seems to be different. This is evidence that the ships employ electromagnetism in some important way. So, here is my theory of how they use electromagnetic power. It is effective only if one accepts my argument that there is no independent existence of time.
The ship possesses a device that either gathers or produces a "large" quantity of electromagnetic power. It then uses that power to operate a device that displaces the entire ship and its contents a short distance, in one direction, in the present. This means that every molecule moves simultaneously from point A to point B, and the distance between point A and point B may be very short, such as one-tenth or one-hundredth of a centimeter. This operation, or process, or event, is not acceleration in accordance with our common understanding of acceleration. The electromagnetic displacement is a phenomenon that could be described as an internal event. The molecules themselves, and all their bonds, are moving simultaneously, by themselves. In our usual explosive mechanisms of accelerated movement, or travel, an external force pushes against the object, or ship, and forces it or pushes it to move it. Because the force is external to the molecules themselves, the entire ship experiences the reactive force of acceleration, or G's.
Returning to our UFO or electromagnetic displacement ship, having moved one-tenth of a centimeter in the present does not appear at first to be much of a trip. But, suppose, like all phenomena in Nature, we can repeat it, maybe repeat it rapidly, and displace the entire ship another tenth-centimeter in a series of repeated displacements in the present. Now our ship looks like it is moving, traveling very fast, and accelerating. But, in reality, it is not accelerating, because the method of movement does not create the force of acceleration. An automobile would not travel very far if one spark ignited one explosion in one cylinder. In fact, it probably would not move any perceptible distance. But, if the crankshaft turns 6,000 revolutions per minute, that is 100 revolutions per second. That would mean that the engine is producing a spark and an explosion in a cylinder more than 100 times a second. If our electromagnetic displacement space ship moved in the present one-tenth of centimeter 100 times a second, it would move ten centimeters each second, but without acceleration. That would be one meter in ten seconds, about the velocity of a turtle. But what if the velocity with which the displacements can occur is increased dramatically, and then supposed that the distance of displacement can be increased. What happens? Look at the table below:
Displacement * Displacements per second = Apparent velocity:
1/10 centimeter * 10,000 =10 meters per second
1 centimeter * 100,000 = 1 kilometer per second = 3,600 kilometers per hour
1 centimeter * 1,000,000 = 10 kilometers per second = 36,000 kilometers per hour
Subject to limitations unknown to us, it would appear that if the displacement distance can be increased further, and the displacements per second increased, it would be possible to move, in the present, through space only but not through time, at the equivalent of a velocity that is greater than the velocity of light. This theory offers a possible explanation for how intelligent beings from other galaxies could visit our planet Earth. It is because they travel only through space, without acceleration, and they never travel in a manner that shrinks time or warps time, because these concepts of overcoming time are based on our misconception of what time is. We do not need to do anything to time in order to travel, or move, great distances. All we have to do is move ourselves and our containers through space, in the present. If my theory of electromagnetic displacement is sound, it has great importance in two areas: First, studies of gravity will not necessarily yield a solution to the question of how "flying saucers" fly, but is only related to the essential accomplishment of electromagnetic displacement; Second, the method of travel I describe here, as electromagnetic displacement, is definitely not the same thing as traveling in accordance with Einsteinian theory, through long durations of time. There is no Einsteinian acceleration, and therefore there would be no Einsteinian "space-time" effects. Such travel could not be totally separated from time, but it would mean that the beings that traveled by this method would not remain "young" while others "standing still" on the surface of a planet aged and died long ago. Instead, what the dwellers on a planet's surface experienced as long durations of time, such as centuries or millennia, would be experienced by those who travel by electromagnetic displacement in the present, as only a few months or weeks. WILD!
Function and purpose determines origin and reality:
Further, let me try one more explanation of time, because this issue has cosmic importance. Let's examine time by applying the principle that "function and purpose determines origin and reality."
Applying this principle means that to examine any thing we search for its function and purpose. When we have discovered its true function and purpose, we then know why it exists and what it is. This means we begin by asking: What is the function of time in the human being? What purpose does time serve? What would we lose if we had no concept of time, no "tool" that we call "time"?
The answer to this question is an evolutionary answer. That is, time serves a vitally important purpose in the evolution of a technological animal or an intelligent being. Stated slightly differently, we are a calculating, learning observer. We observe, calculate, and learn from experience. We also can predict the outcomes of our own behavior. We can "plan ahead" and we can "know the consequences of our behavior." One might ask why a person like me, whose primary professional experience is as a social worker and whose education is that of a psychologist of learning, would offer to the world a theory of time, which seems to most people to belong to the world of physics. However, the explanation of my perception of time grows naturally out of a common social work experience. Social workers are assigned the task of helping persons with emotional and mental problems. I believe a social worker probably learns more about human nature than a psychologist who attempts to study and help only adults. In fact, every psychologist and sociologist knows that one has to study childhood in order to understand adults. Every adult is the product of a childhood. What we call "childhood" is the period of development of the adult. This is similar to the growing period of a fruit tree or the construction period of a house. Therefore, I noticed that the most severe criticism or the most devastating observation a social worker -- or psychologist -- could make about a child or adolescent or adult is: "He (She) does not learn from experience." Or: "He (She) does not understand the consequences of his (her) behavior."
Anyone can understand, whether physicist or not, that it is a very serious defect in a person of any age if one does not learn from experience and does not foresee the consequences of one's behavior. This is actually nothing more nor less than using the vocabulary of behavioral psychology to state that a person does not understand cause and effect. This mental deficiency is so profoundly serious that a person that has this problem seems in many ways to not be a human being. Would you like to live with a person who does not learn from experience and who does not foresee the consequences of their behavior? Adolescents behave this way at times, or at least appear to behave this way. However, if they are normal adolescents, we soon see that they actually do foresee the consequences of their behavior, and they understand cause and effect quite well. They understand what gets their parents' attention, and they know precisely the consequences of their behavior, and they know precisely which consequences will not follow.
Let us return to time. What is its function and purpose. I say that the function of time is to enable a calculating, learning observer to perceive cause and effect, the consequences of behavior, to learn from experience. We could not observe and understand what both physicists and philosophers call a "causal chain" of events. Time is necessary tool of intellect and knowledge. Time is a fiction of consciousness or perhaps better labeled as a tool of consciousness. What does consciousness mean? This is possibly the most difficult of all concepts in both philosophy and science. It is difficult to define. I will say that consciousness requires the capacity to both learn from experience and understand the consequences of one's behavior. Consider the inescapable argument that in order to be conscious of oneself, one has to possess a concept of ability to function as a cause, or as a causal agent. In order to be conscious, I have to know, with the greatest certainty, that I can DO something and that when I DO something, there will be results. I will be the cause, and there will be a result that is the effect, and I can choose the effect and therefore be in control. This is absolutely necessary in order for human beings to possess the capacity to plan ahead and understand consequences.
Return to time. In order to be able to learn from experience and plan ahead and understand the consequences of behavior or action, we must possess a concept of time or an ability to measure time, that is, distinguish past, present and future, and then proceed even further and be able to divide time into discrete units, the same way we divide length or money into discrete units. We give names to units of length, and we call a unit of time an interval of time, and we have many names for different intervals of time. Looking at our concept of time in operation, and seeing it as a thing that serves the function of foreseeing consequences, we can simply observe that a house begins with trees. Trees are cut down and become logs. We saw logs into boards. We cut the boards to specified shapes and sizes. We assemble the lumber and finished parts of the house, including such parts as doors and windows and roofing and wiring and plumbing. We assemble the house on a foundation. We add roofing materials. There is more to be added inside the house to make a home. However, every step we have taken required that we know the consequences of our behavior. We had to plan ahead and we had to know that our behavior, as builders, would be the cause of the existence of the house. Available for use.
So you see, being able to understand the consequences of one's behavior does not mean only understanding that if you drink too much alcohol you will get drunk, or understanding that if you always express your self with an angry voice people won't like you, it also means the simple everyday reality that we do understand the good consequences of our positive and constructive behavior. It is not accidental that we often refer to positive behavior as "constructive" behavior, because we have behavior that constructs houses and we have behavior that constructs relationships, and then complex nets or net "works" of relationships. But how does this psychological version of "cause and effect" lead to my proposition that time is a fictional tool of consciousness?
As stated at the beginning of this argument, we can discover the reality of any thing by examining its function and purpose. I hope you can see at this time that the function and purpose of our human sense of time, our ability to perceive and measure duration by counting intervals of time, is absolutely essential in order for us to learn from experience, make plans and execute plans. And my proposition, actually a rather simple proposition after all, is that since this concept of time and this ability to conceive of past, present and future, and then to proceed even further to dividing time into many discrete intervals, some very brief (millisecond), some very long (light years), is an evolutionary thing that evolved in our brains because it is necessary in order for us -- and any organism -- to be intelligent, to understand cause and effect and to predict the consequences of our behavior and to be conscious; that is, to know ourselves as causal agents in the real, physical universe. After all, if you could in fact DO nothing, not have any impact or effect at all on the world around you, what would you be conscious of? Try to imagine that.
Therefore, applying the principle I started with, that the function of a thing tells us how it came to be, and why it came to be, and then what it really is, tells us that time is a fictional tool of consciousness. It therefore exists in our brains only and not outside our brains. There is no concrete physical form of time, and not any other form of time in the real physical universe outside of the conscious brain, or mind, of a calculating, learning observer. We cannot treat the past or future as though it were a place and travel to it. This is not just an intellectual exercise or "metaphysics" or philosophy. This is of the greatest importance, because in order to be good stewards of one another and the life-supporting environment, we must understand the real, physical universe as it really is. Our survival is at stake. If my perception of what time is turns out to be correct, then much of modern physics has to be re-designated as strictly human technology and NOT a description of the real, physical universe. If my perception of what time is turns out to be correct, then there is no physical "space-time continuum" in the real universe, but only the present. There are no wormholes to the past or future. There is no "fabric of space-time." My view of time is consistent with ancient religious concepts found in both Buddhism and Christianity: "Present moment, only moment." and "The kingdom of heaven always was and always will be." There was no beginning, and there is no end. Eternity is a concept of time, and if there is no concrete, independent "time" in the real universe then there is no sense to the concepts of "finite" and "infinite." There is only the present, and we must understand this and act upon it in order to put into effect a clear and accurate understanding of the real, Natural, physical universe in which we live.
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