Revising the Cosmological Interpretation of Einstein's Mathematics
Copyright 2015, John Manimas Medeiros
The problem: The common interpretation of Einstein's mathematics with regard to an object traveling at or greater than the velocity of light is "cosmological," by which I mean "religious." To explain further, one might say that the common interpretation is "magical" because it proposes that a physical object changes its size and shape due to its high velocity, and it proposes that measurements of the life span of living organisms will expand and contract. It is stated that the outcomes of a "warp-speed" trip would conflict with the logical outcomes of travelers returning from a trip that we know from our common experience. That is, we see that people age at the same rate while traveling as they do while sitting at home, except if they travel at "warp-speed" they will age more slowly than those sitting at home. When a person returns from a warp-speed trip, everyone they knew will be dead. This is the "cosmological" interpretation of light-velocity travel. It includes another even more "magical" concept that travelers could travel backward or forward in time, or in time-space. This is wrong because time is a fiction of consciousness. Nature does not need or use time in any way to accomplish what it does. Except, technological animals possess a concept of time in their brains because a concept of time is necessary in order to conceive of cause and effect and BE a technological animal. For more on the meaning of time, see "Timeworks" at jmanimas dot com. I have written much in an effort to describe why time is not a thing that one can travel on or through. The essential core of my position is that if we did not have the sense of time in our brains, we could not observe "before, now, later" or "past, present, future." Therefore, we could not possibly conceive of cause and effect. Thus, I argue, since the concept of cause and effect requires a sense of time, that is why we have it. A tree has rings that WE COUNT, but neither the tree nor anything else in Nature counts the rings, except for a technological animal that is able to count. Thus, we use the records that Nature produces, and count them, because we can, but Nature does not need records or counting in order to do what it does. That which we call time is internal, not external.
A Formulation of a Natural "Outer Detection Algorithm"
To bring the mathematics of "warp-speed" back into the setting of the same real, physical universe that we live in, I suggest the following concepts and steps:
A) Medium of Perception Theory: In order to measure the velocity of a moving object, the medium of perception [or detection] must have a velocity that is at least twenty-five (25) times faster than the velocity being measured. This is due to the time interval required for the completion of an organic human perception. Medium of Perception Theory is Relativity Theory made less magical. (Also see "Crazy James Clocks" in Timeworks)
B) When measuring the velocity of an object that is traveling at or faster than the velocity of the medium of perception, the measurements change their mathematical pattern and yield results according to a natural algorithm that is different from the linear pattern of simple numerical multiplication. The calculated results of the algorithm or formula will vary according to:
1) the velocity of the medium of perception [detection];
2) the distance of the moving object from the detector [observer] at the point of each separate [signal] detection; and
3) the distance [of the moving object] between the previous point of detection and the current point of detection.
C) The algorithm can be used to extrapolate the actual velocity of an object that is traveling at a
velocity that is equal to or greater than the velocity of the medium of perception.
D) Experimental design: We must construct an apparatus that enables us to use sound as the medium of detection (sonar) to detect (measure) the velocities that begin at about 10 mph and continue to increase to 1200 miles per hour. The path of vehicle travel will be on a flat plain marked by a straight line of poles with spheres at their tops. An appropriate travel distance will have to be selected for each vehicle, increasing as the velocity of the vehicle increases. The apparatus will probably work better if the sides of each vehicle are equipped with a plate that reflects sound efficiently and in a known manner. The first vehicle, which could be any standard rolling vehicle, will travel at 10 mph, then 15, then 20, and so on until it reaches 30 mph. The second vehicle can begin at 30 mph and increase at 10 mph intervals to 100 mph. The next vehicle might be a light fixed wing airplane that can travel as slowly as 100 mph and increase to at least 200 miles per hour. That would be followed by a plane that can travel 200 mph but increase to 400 or 500 miles per hour. Next, a plane that might need to have a combination jet and rocket combined propulsion system, because we want to use the sonar to measure its velocity from 400 mph through a range of increases to at least 900 mph, and preferably to 1,200 mph.
The data from these detections will suggest the algorithm hidden in the changes in the readings that occur as the velocity of the moving object approaches and then exceeds the velocity of the medium of perception (sound). I have suggested the designation of "Outer Detection Algorithm" because it would be a formula for measuring the velocity of a moving object that is traveling "outside of" or in excess of the velocity of the medium of detection.
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