Caesar is Rome!
Copyright 2010, John Manimas Medeiros
This is based on true events, as told to John Manimas by a person who shall remain unidentified for her own safety. The information included here is super secret and the source has risked her life simply by providing the supporting documentation to me. This is about transformative time and time orientation transformation, or what the physicist community refers to as "time travel." The physicists claim that the process of the universe includes time as an independent phenomenon that occurs with or without the participation or involvement of matter. In other words, even though nothing is happening, and there is no change or process of matter, time still passes, as though there is a ticking clock even when there is nothing in the universe. When matter is involved, all events occur on a "space-time continuum," meaning that every event has both space and time attached to it, and one can travel along the space-time continuum, from the present to the past and then forward again to what would be the future in relation to one's previous position in the past, but would still be the past in relation to one's departure point in the present. It has not yet been established with certainty as to whether one can travel from the present into the future, because when one travels into the future, there is no effective plan for a return to the present. Therefore, it may be that we can travel to the future, but we probably cannot return to the present when we do so, and that means of course that we cannot verify that travel into a future time orientation has been successful, or has even occurred.
However, the purpose of this story is to explain to the reader that the Central Intelligence Agency and a consortium of corporations that plan and execute the process of our lives on an international scale, have conducted experiments and continue to conduct experiments in time travel and historical intervention. There is an entire technical vocabulary, and this topic is of the utmost importance to all of us because there is reason to believe that secret transformative time agents, called "personal organic vehicles" have already effectively traveled to the past and executed an intervention and changed history. When an intervention is successfully executed, not only does our history change, but everyone's education regarding that history and everyone's memory of that history changes also. So, there really is no way to know that our past has been manipulated by government agents who reside in the present. In fact, if agents who will reside in the future, send back personal organic vehicles -- time traveling humans -- to us in the present time, the operation of time travel is designed to assure that the time traveler appears to be perfectly normal in terms of present time orientation, so that they do not arouse suspicions that they are from the future and have been sent to alter history. In this way, any person sent from the future to the present who is acting upon a plan to change history will appear to be just another ordinary person who resides in the present and who may or may not appear to be making an effort to influence human history. After all, if a time traveler from the future were disguised as an ordinary neighbor of yours, and you saw him mow his lawn and relax in a lounge chair drinking a beer, you would not suspect that he is a time traveler who has come to destroy democracy, but he is. That is, he could be. There are ways to detect a time traveler, but the signs are subtle. Some report that the most reliable evidence is in the eyes, because it is with our eyes that we "see time." Other reports suggest that time travelers usually retain memories from the future time from which they have departed, and they will show signs of knowing things that they should not know, especially things about the future. They are sometimes labeled as "psychics" and although most people don't know this, they are sometimes removed by the CIA in order to prevent any unauthorized tampering with history.
For these experiments, the present time orientation is called "operative time." Operative time is the present time and when a time orientation transformation (time travel session) is executed, the operative time is carefully monitored to establish the starting time of the session and the end time of the session, according to the present time. Sessions can be long or short, but whatever the operative time in the present, the time span in the transformative time interval -- in the past target time -- will not necessarily be the same. Often, the operative time in the present is relatively short, say possibly a few hours, while the transformative time interval that has been occupied by the time traveler, in the past time orientation interval, might be much longer, say, several weeks. In any case, there are many challenges to cope with, and the technology is enormously complex. For example, we do not send newborn babies to travel into a past time target. We send full-grown adults. This is a tremendous challenge to execute safely because when we place a full grown human into a past target time and transform the time orientation, all of the people of the past who encounter the time traveler, who is of course from their future, many of them must possess a memory of his or her existence and a personal history, when they were born, how and where they grew up, the identifications of family members and past experiences of that person. This has to be rendered in great detail and effectively. Otherwise we would have a person showing up during the American Civil War who appeared out of nowhere, has no personal history and is not known to anyone. Imagine us, meeting a person in our own present time, and if he were a time traveler from our future but had no personal history, we would find that no one else that we know is aware of who he is, where he is from, what are his personality traits, what has he done, and so on, so that he would appear to be something very different from an ordinary person, but rather a being from another dimension or a "parallel universe." That would make such a time traveler very suspicious, and extremely threatening. He would probably be killed or imprisoned or placed in a mental institution. Whatever his fate, he would be rendered unable to complete whatever mission he was sent to accomplish. That is why any traveler from our future to our present must appear to be perfectly normal, and show no signs of being anything other than an ordinary person with ordinary goals and habits. Anyone who appears to be obsessed with controlling the direction of history is suspect. Some societies, therefore, prohibit citizens from getting excessively involved in the political and social power that moves the ship of the space-time continuum. Just mow your lawn and drink your beer, quietly, and don't be an "activist." Activists are far more likely to be time travelers who have been sent to influence history than an ordinary neighbor, whose only visible concern is plenty of food and entertainment. The ancient Romans used to call that "bread and circuses." In our own time -- I am referring to the early twenty-first century -- we could call this powerful tool of social control "pizza and television."
Wherever in past time the traveler goes is called "transformative time," because there is a theory that however innocently the time traveler conducts himself, or herself, they must add something to the history of the universe. They are no longer here in the present during the operative time interval, and they are adding something to the past time target interval even if all they do is plant corn and dance around a fire. Anyway, these experiments have been conducted, but probably with limited goals thus far. There have been limited assignments just to see how things work with this incredibly complex and powerful technology. The person who is providing this information to me so that I can share it with the general public is Penelope France -- not her real name, and Penelope has traveled to the past already, and returned to present time successfully. She is now working on an assignment that could change world history more than anyone has previously imagined. Her proposed time transformation mission involves an ancient time target, and if executed successfully, and completed by implementation of the technological process they call "intervention fixation," the intended change in human history will be complete, and all of our memories of who we are, the language we speak, our identifications derived from our ethnic and political and religious histories, will all be changed instantly, and all of the previous memories -- those memories of history that we now possess and believe -- will be removed without a trace. We will have a whole new existence, and the existence that we know now, in the present operative time, will be gone without our having any technology to retrieve it and change back to what we have now.
Penelope is aware of experiments that have been executed that proceeded through every stage of time transformation except for the last stage of intervention fixation. What occurs prior to intervention fixation is that the time traveler, being in a state of being that is different from the ordinary person who resides only in the present, meaning the time interval in the past that is the present for him, becomes aware of what changes to history the time transformation intervention will cause, but those changes are not yet "fixed" or executed. They are just information about what the outcome will be if the time transformation operation, directed from the operative time in the present, which is of course the future in relation to the past time interval in which the time transformation is supposed to occur, is effectively carried forward to the phase of intervention fixation.
Therefore, Penelope Francis has reported to me that several time transformation experiments have been executed involving sending an agent to that period of American history known as the time of the American Civil War, which is labeled by many Americans simply as "the Civil War" because the Americans are blindly egotistical by nature and for them the only civil war of any importance is their own civil war. Never mind that they were fighting over economic and social slavery after having had a written constitution for more than sixty years that said "all men are created equal" and everyone is entitled to the "freedom" bestowed by God. The concept was, not surprisingly, that if people could be sent back to that time and make certain changes, the Civil War might be avoided, or it might have an entirely different outcome. This project led to a shocking surprise that everyone realized should not have been a surprise at all when it was discovered. Although the initial plan was to prevent the Civil War, some time technologists plotted to send a person to the Civil War period in order to make a change that would cause the Confederacy to win the war, decisively. When this was discovered, it was suppressed of course, but the resulting lessons were astounding, and they illustrate the vast complexity one enters into when attempting to alter history.
Here is what happened. One agent, who we will call by his time traveler name, Josiah Wheeler, was to go back to the training period for soldiers from Maine who served in the Union Army. He was supposed to make the acquaintance of a Union officer named Chamberlain who played a pivotal role in withering Pickett's Charge and thereby rendering the Battle of Gettysburg a draw that bled the Confederate Army to the point of exhaustion. Although Gettysburg is deemed a draw by military historians, it was definitely a victory for the Union politically. The Confederates had lost their sense of superiority at the same time that their logistics began to seriously fail. They had lost so much. They would lose beyond belief by way of the modern annihilation of "total war" invented by William Tecumseh Sherman on his March to the Sea and Savannah. But if the outcome of Gettysburg were changed, the Confederates might be able to maintain their military superiority and functioning supply lines. A Confederate victory at Gettysburg might prevent General Sherman's campaign from occurring at all. If the Confederacy won the war, we would then learn how they would revise the political and social history of the nation, and create an entirely different American Civilization from the one we now know. Well, Josiah Wheeler and the entire time transformation team were disastrously surprised by their little time transformation experiment that was supposed to help the South win the Civil War. Here's what happened.
Josiah became a trusted friend of Chamberlain, and others who played an equally important role in repelling Pickett's Charge. But the planned intervention was that Josiah Wheeler was to diminish the functioning of that key officer, Chamberlain, by plying him with alcohol, contaminating his food, spouting negative philosophy, and so on, even urging him to use careless prostitutes, anything that would render Chamberlain less effective as a soldier and an officer. The time transformation intervention was effective in that Chamberlain was barely functioning at the time of Pickett's Charge. The Confederates prevailed, and although their losses were high, they pushed onward and repelled the Union Army in a rout and the Union Army lost more soldiers and much of their weapons and supplies. This planned intervention did result in the Confederacy winning the Civil War. However, the resulting outcome was far beyond anything anyone in the present operative time had imagined. They are technologists, not historians, and not sociologists. What happened after the North surrendered, is that the entire United States was changed into the Confederate States of America, and the cruel form of slavery practiced in the South was made legal throughout the nation. All types of business enterprises were then "converted" to a new set of economic realities where anyone in any agricultural or industrial enterprise feared that their competitors would have a crushing advantage if they made use of slave labor. Therefore, slavery invaded every form of human enterprise in the Confederate States of America. Slaves were housed in apartment buildings in New York City and on the "poor farms" of rural towns in New England. They did everything from operating textile machinery to grooming horses and making furniture and building houses. The early outcome of this transformation was surprising at first but made complete sense when it was consciously and carefully observed: the slaves began to lose their fear of their masters. They saw that they outnumbered their owners by three to one in general, and by five to one in many places. Many of them were employed making firearms and wagons and all of the industrial tools and products that are required by a growing industrial society. Secretly, they learned to read and they studied the rules and the arts and sciences of white society. It did not take long for them to learn that they could fight back and overthrow their masters and create an entirely different society, either one where they were the masters or one that sustained something like the visions of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and the philosophers of the French Enlightenment. Their courage was boosted by slave revolts that occurred in Central and South America, and by the extreme distaste for slavery that still prevailed in Europe, especially since the new America represented a cruel and politically primitive society that appeared to threaten the liberties and economics of Europe by producing everything with slave labor. What occurred is again both surprising and yet seemingly obvious. The political and social philosophy that developed among the self-educated slaves was far more socially and politically radical, or "leftist" in modern terms, then the outcome of the Civil War that is familiar to us in present time orientation. It was possible to keep slaves buried in abject submission and ignorance on cotton plantations, but not in cities and industry. Actually, it turns out that the cotton plantation was uniquely amenable to slavery, at least for a relatively short period of historical time. Large numbers of human laborers were needed to plant and harvest the cotton. Some could be diverted from the fields to be "house niggers" and perform all of the chores of household maintenance. This is the way it worked. But it turns out that such an arrangement of having slaves to do all the work does not work well in any other setting. Even the cotton plantation was destined to change by virtue of agricultural technology. Not only did slavery not work well in other settings, but the slaves who educated themselves in the settings of cities and industrial enterprise picked up the philosophies and outlooks of "socialists" and "communists." Remember, the "Communist Manifesto" was written in 1848, where Marx and Engels advised the masses that they had nothing to lose but their chains. Communism was the ideology that most clearly opposed slave labor. The American slaves became "communists" at least in terms of general outlook, if not in the sophisticated sense of economists and radical democrats. They revolted, violently and swiftly, in July of 1876, not accidentally the centennial of the Declaration of Independence. They were far more organized than the whites anticipated, and far more determined. City slaves were not country bumpkin slaves. Massive numbers of whites were killed, some in the most horrible ways. Many were cut and left to bleed to death where they lay. Others were deliberately crowded into wooden buildings and burned alive. Many whites in leadership positions were executed after the Second Revolutionary War was won by the black slaves. The world cheered, even though some Europeans acknowledged openly that their support for the Second American Revolution was based on self-interest and economics. The Europeans did not want a world in which a privileged class in America had all their work performed by slave labor. The slave society that followed the Confederate victory could have been seen as fundamentally defective by anyone living in our present time. The slave society had a crippling disability: who would be the scientists and technologists? People cannot learn how to do things if they never work. The slaves were gaining technical skills because they performed the labor. Why would a white man work in a society where labor was viewed as demeaning, beneath the standards of a gentleman? The white masters were slow to develop their sciences and technology. America was falling behind Europe in science and technology even in that brief interval from 1865 to 1876. The victorious slaves wrote a Second American Constitution that would make the Soviet Union we know blush in shame. Civil Rights were supreme. The elected Representatives wielded all of the power of the state. The Senate was advisory. They invented a Council of Women who could veto the legislative decisions of the men if they did not serve the needs of women in society. All economics was socialist and communist in structure. Land and industrial property, buildings, machines, patents, tools, all could be privately owned but were essentially held in trust for the benefit of the community and the nation. Any attempts to control society with money and property were expressly against the law. Social benefit was superior to anyone's right to make a profit. The Second American Revolution made the Confederacy into nothing more than a bad memory, a bad memory that was officially erased. No one would dare mention the Confederacy or the Civil War that they had won. If a Confederate flag were found in a person's home, he and his family would be arrested and executed. There was no residual forgiveness or iota of respect for the idea that labor is in any way inferior to "management." The further details of the American Democratic Society that emerged from the Second American Revolution would induce heart failure in any American capitalist of our present time. Making a "profit" by buying and selling stocks is a capital crime in the American Democratic Society. Bankers and "investors" who resisted the new laws rotted in prison if they were not executed or beaten to death in the streets by a mob of freed slaves. This was the result of having the South win the Civil War. Needless to say, the "team" that conducted this experiment did not carry it forward to the phase of "intervention fixation." Josiah Wheeler returned to our present operative time and promptly disappeared. Humans, being habitually irrational, tended to blame the time travelers themselves for the jackass interventions planned by the "scientists."
So this one example, Penelope says, gives us a little taste of the cluster clocks that we can get into when we plan to travel to the past to make what we think are desirable adjustments. Then she told me what she got involved in, and what she was supposed to do when she traveled back to ancient Rome and was expected to prevent the assassination of Julius Caesar. Caesar was really one of the greatest geniuses of all time. Had he not been assassinated, he might have achieved the historical status that we now assign to Jesus Christ. Penelope was to travel to Caesar's time and be one of his most trusted slaves, probably his most trusted servant, in fact. In ancient cultures a slave or servant could enjoy a very high social status, practically equal to that of his or her "master." Slavery in ancient Greece and Rome bore no resemblance to the "peculiar institution" that existed in the American South. Most "slaves" were in practice servants or employees with the social security of a permanent economic role in society. Those who had servants and employees had to treat them reasonably, subject to humane rules, in order to enjoy the respect and admiration of their peers. Being cruel or even unfair toward a slave or servant did not add anything to one's social stature. It could cause a member of a noble family to be labeled as crude, unjust, lower class. Some servants enjoyed the benefits of education and training, even the high status of herbalist or physician, bodyguard, trusted advisor on economic or military decisions. Some slaves became generals. Some became the spouses of noble men and women and actually achieved a form of "upward mobility" that we flatter ourselves was invented in America. Penelope was Caesar's most trusted bodyguard and personal advisor. At least this was the role through which her historical intervention was supposed to be implemented by transformative time travel. She was very tall and strong for a woman. Some people today would have argued that she was trans-gendered or really a Lesbian warrior. She was female according to the standards that we would use today to identify a female, but she was shrewd, strong, fast, and a formidable fighter. She did not hesitate to nearly decapitate a slave spy who had been sent to surreptitiously pour a poison in Caesar's wine with dinner. That incident was almost comical.
Caesar rose quickly to avoid the spurting blood, and said, "Oh Penelope, thank you so much. Now we have to clean up this mess."
Julius Caesar and Cleopatra had set the stage for a New Age. The sexual union was poetic, a symbol. Although their affection and love for one another was real, and ran deep, they both wanted to create a political and social -- even spiritual -- alliance between Rome and Egypt and usher in an age of science and arts and permanent peace throughout the Mediterranean world. Penelope was to help that happen by being fully informed of the Senators' plan to assassinate Caesar because they greedily did not want to share power and glory with Egypt. They distrusted what appeared to be the "magical arts" of ancient Egyptian science. And they did not trust a woman with great power. Cleopatra was independent, not easily used. When the first Senator approached with his dagger, Penelope was to stop him with a swift left elbow to the neck and shout "Caesar is Rome! Defend Rome!" This would be the signal to those few who had misgivings about the wisdom of removing Caesar, and who suspected his plan for an alliance with Alexandria was actually a very wise decision. They would move to surround Caesar and prevent his assassination. A few or perhaps only a couple of Senators would get the rap for the assassination plan and be "removed." The others would suddenly recognize the wisdom of Caesar's rule, and the alliance between Rome and Alexandria would usher in the next phase of world history. What the time transformative team did not expect -- although they did expect positive results -- was the extreme difference in the pace and direction of human development that occurred simply because Caesar lived a little longer. The Romans developed a healthy respect for the Gnostic philosophy that thrived in Alexandria, and Christianity as we know it today faded. What actually occurred, is the Gnostic religious philosophy, which emphasizes scientific knowledge and wisdom, incorporated the teachings of Jesus Christ, but as a human philosopher and teacher who was identified unequivocally as a great Gnostic teacher. The alliance with Alexandria accelerated the rise of science, which was now deemed to have begun in the year 15 JC (Julian Calendar), with the delivery of many Alexandrian books and scientists to Rome, rather than fifteen centuries later. The Alexandrian Library was never burned by Christians or Romans. What we know as the "Middle Ages" or Dark Ages did not occur, and the social development of democratic institutions occurred instead. None of the incessant religious wars and theocratic governments that fill our heads with historical memories occurred. The "barbarians" and Visigoths and Vikings from the North felt comfortable with the benevolent power of the Mediterranean empire and blended in for the dual payoffs of peace and material wealth. Islam of a sort did come to be, but as a friend and ally of the Alexandrian Roman society, not as a rival. The Islamic position that Jesus was a prophet and not the Creator God was perfectly sensible to the Gnostics of Roman Europe. All this enormous change was to occur by virtue of the stroke of an arm and a shout. And it would have, if the team had moved on to the stage of "intervention fixation."
Obviously, that time transformation team did not let Penelope's intervention get fixed in human history. If it had, you would speak Latin, and you would not be reading this story now. It could still be done. She could be sent back, or another in her place, and the entire time transformation could be "fixed" and effect the planned change in human history. All of our memories would be changed and we would have no memory of what we now believe to be European history as we were taught in the present time. The time technologists are hesitating. Western technology is replete with horror stories of unintended consequences. Most of our technology appears to be effective and beneficial at first, then we find out that we missed an effect of our self-assured technological cause, a chemical that kills fish, or reduces the fertility of polar bears, or causes birth defects in humans, or oil under deep earth pressure that fills the Gulf of Mexico, war plans that go astray, peace plans that go astray. We never seem to be really in control, just trying to be in control and later devastated by the causes we executed while in a state of ignorance. We don't really know what we think we know. Since so many things can go wrong with human technology, certainly there could be "unintended consequences" that occur in time transformation technology. One of the team members pointed out that even one of them could be a time traveler from the future sent to us to change human history in our present time orientation. How do we really know who is here as a "natural person" of the present time and who is attempting to intervene in order to change history? When we see people carrying posters in the street, or giving speeches about religion or telling us that the government is our enemy or that we need to start a war in order to protect our property and our rights, are they just ordinary people functioning in the present, or are they time travelers sent to our time period to change history in a way that some people in the future think will be better than their present that they know as their present but that we imagine as our future? If lots of time travelers came to us to influence the development of human history, how would they really be any different from ordinary present people who want to influence human history? Are we all time travelers trying to control the present in order to create the future?
At the end of my meeting with Penelope, she told me that the time transformation experiments are not over. Some of the time technologists want to send her back to prevent the assassination of Caesar and fix the intervention. Others argue that it is far too risky to attempt to change past history and expect that such a planned change will be all positive as planned. This is pride and arrogance at its worst. Look at what happens if the South wins the Civil War. The United States of America as we know it does not exist, and with all of its flaws many prefer it to the American Democratic Society that evolves after a Confederate victory. If Caesar survives and the alliance with Alexandria brings about a much earlier evolution of human science, what other outcomes might follow logically? Would we be less moral, having less organized "religion," or more moral? Would modern weapons of war be developed earlier? Would we have already extinguished ourselves in a nuclear holocaust? As dangerous as time transformation technology is, Penelope assured me that the discussion of how to use it continues. The scientists in our society are not historians. They do not think in terms of what their technology does to human beings. They are all under a spell. To them, technology is always good, always enables us to learn something new, and therefore always positive. She says that time travel will come for certain, but we don't know when. But when it does occur, we won't know, because our memories of human history will change in accordance with the change in history. The human history that we know today could have been subjected to interventions many times, Caesar living, the Confederacy winning the Civil War, a slave revolution, Dewey winning the Presidential Election of 1948. And then it could have been changed again and again. As history changes, we keep trying to change it by virtue of our efforts in the present, even though we now know that people in the future could be visiting us to change our present history the way they want it to come out to get the results they want to change their present time in the future. So we are all trying to change history, but we all have only one memory of history, and we all have only one present to live in, to act, and hope for the best, even though your neighbor could have been sent by a time technologist to make you either a slave or free. You have to make your own judgments and act accordingly. The technologists are certainly not going to share this time technology with anyone except those who have top time secret clearance. If you think that only people who live in the present can determine the future, you are living in the past. - The End ? -
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