Write in Your Vote for John Manimas  for President on Nov. 8, 2016

Vote Against the Two-party Disaster and for Real Democracy

How to Change from the Two-party Experiment Back to a Multi-party System and Real Democracy that Implements the Will of the People:


The Seven Non-negotiable Principles of the Real Democracy Party:


1)  All elections of legislators and executives shall include vote donation and coalition government or coalition party government, including the presidential electoral votes cast by each and all of the states' presidential electors in the Electoral College;


2)  Every citizen shall be registered to vote at birth and remain registered and eligible and registered throughout their life subject only to accurate records for changes of address and voting districts or absentee voting categories;


3)  Gerrymandering of districts or designing voting districts in any manner intended to enclose an identified demographic group or predicted voting pattern shall be illegal.  Any form of voter suppression shall be illegal, including any application or identification  requirement imposed upon a citizen.  All voter identification requirements shall be provided by the state and federal governments to each voter.  There shall be severe felony penalties for any act of gerrymandering, election manipulation or voter suppression, including but not limited to incarceration without parole and monetary fines imposed on individuals and election authorities where the crime occurred. 


4)  The communications and recording technology for elections shall be publicly owned or in the public domain and shall be as advanced as that used for space exploration systems or free market financial transactions.


5)  At each election each voter shall be provided with a paper print out of the votes that they have cast at that election.


6)  There shall be a National Elections Commission (NEC), subject at least in part to local and state committee review, that shall have the power to monitor and prescribe elections technology and elections management and supervision.  The National Elections Commission shall have the power of investigation and indictment for election authority crimes.  The NEC shall be assigned the duty to recommend elections technology and procedures to all election authorities in all states, municipalities, counties and election districts.


7)  The new elections system, however designed, shall always provide for direct implementation of the will of the people through the elections process.  This means that if the voters lean to the left, their votes shall benefit the left-leaning candidates and implement public policies and laws that lean to the left, and if the voters lean to the right, their votes shall benefit the right-leaning candidates and implement public policies and laws that lean to the right.                        - end - John Manimas, RDP


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