Men in Grey (As told to John Manimas by C. B.)

Copyright 2010, John Manimas Medeiros

No one is going to believe this story, but I feel compelled to tell it. This is the fate of all contactees. We are terrified of being ridiculed, even having our lives ruined, and yet we also feel an obligation to share what we know.

On Friday, January 15, 2010, a black limousine pulled away from our house just as we returned from a shopping trip. The occupants of the vehicle were not clearly visible behind smoked-glass windows, but a brief view through the front windshield suggested that they were men wearing gray suits. We had an eerie feeling that they were some kind of official agents, and that they might have broken into our house because of the UFO investigations. Later, our neighbors, who I will not identify, said that they saw three men get out of the car and go to our back door. Only a few minutes later they came back out to the front of the house and left.

When we entered the house, we noticed immediately that there was no sign of any forcible entry. There were no signs of anything disturbed in the house. We looked at every detail and did not see even a curtain ruffled. There was no sign that they had been in the house. But they were. A week later I went to the strong box hidden under my bureau and opened it to look at the book. It was gone. That was a shock of course. But what was even more shocking was a typed letter, typed in the same strange geometric font as the book, that says: "The book has been returned to its rightful owner."

I actually felt my heart convulse with pain. The book! Possibly the most valuable artifact on the planet, was gone. Taken from us, when it was in fact ours, given to us by the tall grey who said "It is time for you to know the truth." How could they have done it? We saw nothing. They either had a key or literally walked through the walls. There was no sign. There is no sign. I rechecked everything. Searched the house wildly, gasping for breath as I rushed to every corner. No sign. They got in. Took the book. They left. No sign. The book is gone, and our embarrassment is multiplied a thousand fold. What will MUFON think of us? We told them we had a book that the greys gave to us, but now we had nothing. We had no sign. The book was different even physically, was not printed on ordinary paper. It was made of some other material that seemed to be a composite of plastic and metal. The content was striking, surprising, almost dull, like some kind of investigative report written by a high school student. It was well written, but did not appear to have the cosmic quality most would expect. It did not answer cosmic questions directly, but it did seem to have cosmic significance, because it was from them. It revealed their attitude toward us. It suggested an assessment of the human species from the mind of a superior being. It was not good news, but not totally new either. It just conveyed an attitude, a kind of ordinary cold attitude. My husband Jeff remarked how the book seemed to have been written by someone who was autistic.

I will summarize the content of the book here by memory -- "our" memory because my husband Jeff helped me -- as best as I can. I will try to duplicate the strangely mechanical language, but my ability to do that is probably limited. This is my best effort at this time. The book was given to me by a tall grey, according to what I remember under hypnosis, just before they returned me to my house after my third abduction. They said, as I said previously, that the book was to tell us something about who they are and what they are doing, because we had made sufficient progress -- they believed -- to understand one of their "reports." The book was on my bureau in the morning, and I put it away, hid it in the strongbox under my bureau and told Jeff about it three days later.

When the MUFON investigator (Mr. Manimas) was about to leave, he turned to me and asked one more question, with an odd smile on his face and his eyes cast downward: "Oh, yes. Did they by any chance give you anything? We're supposed to ask that."

When I said "Yes" his body stiffened.

"What! They gave you something? What?"

"A book." I said.

"A book! A book! What kind of book? Do you have it? Can I see it?"

"No. I'm sorry. I want to study it more first. It was given to me and I feel that it is mine, a gift to me. I am willing to share it, or its contents, but I am not ready to put it into anyone else's hands. You understand, I hope."

"Yes," he said, "But do you know that this is a first? No abductee has ever brought back any physical evidence, any object, that definitely has an extraterrestrial source." He went on to explain, standing in front of the door, that if I really had a book that was given to me by the tall grey, that book would be the most important book in the world. I said I understood, and I would let him know when I was ready to share the book.

I did not let him know because I was not ready to share the book. Now that it is gone, I am stuck with the self-destructive task of summarizing a book that I do not have and which no one will ever believe I did have. Read and believe, or doubt, as you will.

When the book was handed to me, I had the presence of mind to ask why it is printed in English. The grey who gave it to me, who said its name was "Amaranta" and seemed to be female or androgynous, said that it was printed in my language so that I could read it. They could translate their language into any human language. I just said thank you and departed -- with a gentle escort -- not being able to think about the significance of what was happening. I just felt like I had been a guest at a dinner party and the gracious host was giving little gifts to each guest as they left. No big deal.

The book had a strange title: "What We Are Seeing." The content was essentially supposed to be a description of the human species and human behavior, kind of like a report based on the observation notes of a biologist. They did focus on certain issues or certain aspects of human behavior: our fears and our deficiencies. The main points, as best as I recall, are as follows:

This species that dominates the third planet from [some odd name for our Sun], blue with abundant liquid water, has three main fears: fear of deception, fear of machines, and the fear that they will lose their capacity for emotional experience, especially their capacity for the euphoria of sexual stimulation and release. We took random samples of their communications in writing on plane media as well as electronic voice messages electronic text and images and coded messages.

First: They are terrified of being deceived, and they do regularly communicate their belief that others are deceiving them. It appears that this is often true. Therefore, this fear is founded on actual experience and is not imaginary or a mental disorder. Deception is amazingly common in this civilization of technological animals. Their political process in particular seems to consist of people chosen to lead on the basis of their ability to state something that is false and have it be accepted by the people as true. A high percentage of their personal communications and business transactions are also deceptions. Their common practice is to give false descriptions of their products and services in nearly every case but issue a more accurate description in a form that is hidden or difficult to access because of where it is located or because it is written in small characters and in cumbersome legal language, and is usually too complex and hard to understand for an interested person to decode. A common practice is for any seller of a product to claim that it is the best in the world. Another common practice is for the seller of a chemical to describe the chemical product with accurate language, but then provide in either almost invisible print or in a frantic speaking voice some dangerous side effects that might even include death. Our observation is that this strange communication, suggesting that a person should purchase a chemical that could kill them, is supposed to be ignored, or filtered out by the reader or hearer. Therefore, a distinctive characteristic of this species is that they fear being deceived, but they repeatedly ignore signs that they are being deceived. They behave as though they both fear being deceived and expect to be deceived. The common pattern of behavior that results from this mental function is that this species fears deception, on every scale, in their homes, at work, and on the highest level of government and even on the cosmic scale, because they expect to be deceived. They function while believing that they always have incomplete information. They actually believe that the universe was created by a person who lies to them by not telling them what they need to know.

Second: This species loves machines and endeavors to have every possible activity performed by a machine, but is also terrified that machines will overwhelm them, become somehow "biological" like they are and dominate them, take over their society and make them into slaves. They fear that machines will deprive them of their emotional experience, make them insignificant or unnecessary. This concept is everywhere in human communications, especially in the stories that they tell to one another, in writing, in film, and by voice. They even tell imaginary stories of machines that come to their planet from a distant civilization to destroy them or enslave them or consume them as food. This fear is old but increases in sophistication over their history. They express in their various forms of expressive arts the deep fear that machines will control them rather than them being in control of the machines. And yet, they continue to make more machines and more sophisticated machines and show no signs of taking rational or governmental measures to assure human control of the machines. Again, similar to what occurs with the issue of fear of deception, they lavish all of their time, money and effort on the process of making and using machines, even though they consistently fear that the machines will destroy their civilization. Our observation is that machines could destroy the human civilization, because they do not know what they are. That is, they do not know what the machines are, and they do not understand what they themselves are. They appear to believe that they are intelligent beings, while at the same time they are usually aware that they cause a wide variety of destructive effects that they do not plan or expect. Much of their behavior leads an objective observer to a conclusion that they do not learn from experience. This is, of course, the most negative evaluation that can be given.

Third: This species is profoundly afraid of losing their capacity for emotional experience and in particular their capacity for sexual euphoria. Our statistics show that thirty-five percent of human communications, the highest percentage of any single category, pertain to chemical stimulation of the penis or sexual stimulation in general or offering some form of sexual stimulation or sexual union for sale. Another category that is closely related, sixteen percent of human communications pertain to body alteration, changing the shape of the nose, eyes or ears, facial or head or body hair, removing tissue from the body or adding real or artificial tissue, all for the purpose of sexual attraction. This category of communication includes machines and chemical products sold to the males to improve their sexual attraction.

A special category of fear is found in twenty four percent of their stories, that being the fear that they will be changed by virtue of a biological or chemical agent, or by a genetic mutation caused by radiation, usually brought about by biological or biochemical or nuclear warfare. This feared process is also often imagined as coming from an extraterrestrial source or alien invasion of some kind. The change in human character involves the humans losing their normal emotions and most or all of their self-control and they are rendered into strictly instinctive predators whose only motivation is to suck human blood or consume human flesh. The new character is called "zombie" or "vampire" which apparently means a physical body that no longer is controlled by a human person. Some of the stories in this category render the human person an automaton or a robot, a being that is strictly mechanical, like a machine, but with human form. Again, while persistently giving expression to this fear, they also persistently pursue the tools of biological and chemical and nuclear warfare, and the mechanization of their society. They behave as though they want all human labor to be performed by machines so that they can spend all of their time participating in sexual intercourse or audio-visual entertainment, or even replacing all of the patterns of human labor with an electromagnetic network of trivial and repetitive communications, so that physical human contact is rendered obsolete. This data is particularly disturbing because it indicates a fear of loss of emotion accompanied by an intensive industry that obstructs or eliminates human emotion. Once again, they fear what they expect. They expect what they fear.

Our most deterministic finding is the evidence that the mental and spiritual potential of this species is deteriorating. In their more primitive stages, they thrived on social contact, but they are using machines to diminish the usual forms of personal interactions. In the past, youth and young adults engaged in consultations with parents, other trusted relatives and friends to help them chose a companion or lover. Today, both young and older adults use electronic data systems to identify others who are expected to be a good companion or lover, "matched" to them by a statistical method. Businesses invest substantial sums of money in electromechanical devices that provide robotic voices for their telephone communications. These robotic calling and answering machines -- as well as internet messages -- are not employed only for trivial or routine information, but for significant or intimate purposes such as to request a vote on a proposed law or for a candidate, or to make an appointment for medical care, or to verify the status of a bank account, even to arrange for a sexual encounter. They have arrived at a state of electronic organization that appears to be extremely satisfying for them, and which is predictive of their future development. More and more of the individuals of this species are equipped with small, hand-held internet telephones. The younger individuals especially, as well as older adults engaged in business transactions, consistently choose to talk or text through their phone devices. They use them to access routine or specialized or socially significant information, such as the weather, the locations of restaurants, minor organizational notes to family members and friends or business associates, the state of the economy, scheduled shows of erotic dancers. The function of these combination computer-phone devices is to reduce personal interactions and use machine communication in place of human contacts. This pattern of behavior is obviously, beyond any doubt, the exemplary evidence of their striking drive to use machines in exactly the way that they fear will destroy society. Their use of machines to reduce human interaction reduces their capacity for emotional experience and makes them dependent on their communications machines to obtain an audio-visual substitute for interaction with a real person. The frequency and intensity of their communications through their computer-phones suggests that they are, or are becoming, the standard mechanization substitute for physical affection.

Reliability: Our data leads to a conclusion that this species is not reliable. They have technology capable of disrupting the natural genetic stability of thousands of species of plants and animals, including themselves. They have already caused the extinction of many plants and animals by choice, although their own communications include claims that the extinctions caused by them were unintended. They do not appear to understand that if a plant or animal is driven to extinction "by accident" that this is a greater condemnation of their conduct than if such an extinction had been intentional. They talk about their habit of over-harvesting of animals as though it is something to be expected and is perfectly natural. Their history suggests that they understood their responsibilities in the past, when they were more primitive. But they so admire their capacity to take and kill that they often engage in harvesting without the signs of an intelligent understanding that the animal being harvested must survive in the present in order to be available in the future. The fear of deception encompasses their different religions, so that one religion will promote warfare with another religion on the grounds that the god of the other religion is a liar. We have been unable to determine with acceptable certainty whether they believe their various gods are real persons or mythical. In any case, real or just conceptual myths, they kill one another because they believe that another religion is false and therefore threatens them with some form of cosmic deception.

Recommendation: We feel that the only appropriate recommendation we can make is for further study by another group. If our data were used to make a decision, the decision would almost certainly be for removal rather than further protection. This species is self divided in its perception of itself in that they often say that they believe they are being protected, but they do not display an understanding of their obligation to protect themselves. They say that life is sacred, but they kill one another and devote tremendous resources to improving their capacity to kill themselves. There is a disturbing genetic disunity. One individual possesses great genetic flexibility, but this strength becomes also a devastating weakness because different individuals and groups develop into different beings with very different systems of beliefs and these conflicting beliefs cause them to invest the resources of the planet and their time and labor in self-destruction. Their lack of self-knowledge is their greatest deficiency. The playfulness in their genetic character can be endearing and entertaining, but the problem this creates is that they play with everything, and they often play with the most valuable of things as though they have no value. This is the essence of their unreliability, but we do not recommend that a decision be made based on our data. We recommend further study while closely monitoring the planet for any signs that they are about to use their machines to destroy themselves because they fear being deceived, or enslaved, or losing their emotions. They have had many good teachers in the past, but they do not understand teaching from a superior source. They think they are being deceived. Their fears, caused by their genetic heritage, are a crime, but we are unable to identify the criminal.

That is my best recollection of the report. We do not know who the men in grey are who came to take the book. I suspect they are government agents who do not want us to know the truth. The government is always lying to us, but we are getting used to this situation. It is also possible that the tall grey who gave me the book is lying. I feel like I have lost my capacity to distinguish reality from perception. One psychiatrist has written that we are all deceiving ourselves and that we create the reality we want, or the reality we fear, in our own minds. How can we resolve such a state of affairs? I have received hundreds of messages telling me that people agree with me, but I don't know what it is that they agree with. I am feeling that I have to get away from all the public attention, go someplace where I can be alone and live in peace. I just want to tell the truth, like I was taught as a child, but times have changed. The truth is not what people want. I am so tired of trying to understand what happened. I just want to watch water tumble over stones in a brook and listen to birds sing.

- End -

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