Text Corrections, JManimas
Welcome to JManimas web pages for correction of errors:
1) (7/25/2006) In The Precision of the Ancients, under "[What is the Great Pyramid?]," I list the following reference:
Rundle, Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt
Rundle is the author's name, not surname. The surname is Clark. The correct reference is:
Clark, R.T. Rundle. Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt.
New York: Thames and Hudson, 1959.
2) (4/10/2007) HTM code errors that prevented links from functioning correctly since October, 2006 were discovered and corrected on 4/10/2007. Frustration and apology !
3) (6/10/2007) ------------------------------> In Volume 1, I used the spelling "Piazzi Smith" for the Pyramid explorer and investigator Charles "Piazzi Smyth."
4) (7/18/2007) Crucial correction entered (posted) on or about July 18, 2007. In Volume 1, the drawing to accompany the text for "Reconstruction of an angle" was mismatched and therefore wrong. This is an unfortunate error, although the correct construction steps are well-known to geometers. The matched drawing has been corrected and the text revised to match the new drawing. That new matched text follows:
Reconstruction of an angle (for construction of similar right triangles):
Given angle G, lines A and B meeting at vertex M, construct straight line E where needed. Locate new vertex N on E. On given angle, open compass to useful radius (R), with pivot on vertex M, draw the arc across both sides of the given angle (points C and D). With the compass pivot at point N on line E, draw that same arc across and above line E (creating point X on line E). With the compass pivot on point C on the given angle, open the compass scribe to point D on the given angle. With this new radius of distance between C and D, place the compass pivot on point X on line E and draw the new arc to intersect the other arc that was previously drawn with the pivot on point N. Designate that point of the intersection of the arcs as point Y. Then, construct the straight line from vertex point N to point Y, that line being line F, and therefore line E and F meeting at vertex N create the same angle as the original angle G. Angle K = angle G.
5) (10/16/2007) Crucial correction again. My apologies again. Due to HTML code learning process, I needed to change HTML at start of each document, mid-October, 2007. Also added Volumes, Documents, Subjects indexes to improve navigation of the site. Life goes on.
Link to: (Welcome) or (Geometry Alpha Index) .