SOLITU Part B: Clues to a Mystery in Plain Sight
Copyright 2015, John Manimas Medeiros
Question: What Does the Pharaoh Point to?
The Ancient Riddle that was originally a declaration [Pythagoreans]
The Great Pyramid, not that it was built by a pharaoh, but IS a pharaoh
The pentagon and the pentangle
Phi (1.618033988…) and phi (0.618033988…) squared, square root
Narrow is the way of life, and few there are who find it
The Holy Trinity is the Creator of Life in the Universe
Ancient Egyptian Ra, Moses rebel, Jesus healer, men fighting as expected
Matthew Chapter Twenty Three describes everyone
The Holy Ghost is the source of life
The Holy Trinity is Earthly and Divine, and all One
Matter is self-organizing or self-assembling
Matter must be self-measuring in order to be self-assembling
Man is the measurer of all things (not the "measure" of all things)
Proportion is everything [Pythagoreans]
2/3 is a proportion and 5 is a proportion
An endless, non-repeating digital decimal is an effort to …
Aristotle: "Everything in the natural universe is material given an intelligible shape and purpose."
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