Comments on and reviews of The Primacy of Stewardship

From Review, 2010:

"... an excellent book. ... I was a little hesitant to read this book simply because it focuses on religion and the teachings of Jesus. ... I was pleasantly surprised... This book has encouraged me to take a look at my life and things I can change. I recommend this book to everyone. You won't be disappointed." MH

Comments, 2010:

"[John Manimas] … points to the idea that there is a very ideal form [of good stewardship] at the highest point of evolution. … to reiterate John Manimas' great lesson, it is time for human society to evolve. The evolution of human society must take the next step toward a competent life-caring and acting on behalf of all of Life. … The eco-steward reflects Manimas' image of good stewardship. It also is rooted in the American identity, but rejects the egocentric idolization of material wealth. " [The eco-steward replaces the ego-steward.] CH (From a paper submitted for a college course.)

"The subject is critically important in these days. It appears from just a cursory glance that you have much to say and are very passionate about it." GP

"What a great book! You are an amazing thinker, theologian and writer." DH

Comments, 2009:

"A beautifully written book. Compelling. Original." JW

"I find it ironic that I could never digest the Bible no matter how I tried. ... The way you interpret it makes sense to me. ... Chapter Four is amazing. I read Chapter Seven ... Your three unforgivable sins at first appear dull and benign. But you show they are indeed our stumbling blocks." HM

"You sure made me think about the teachings of Jesus." TS

"Lucid. I agree with most of what you say ... elegantly written." AC

"You have a wonderful interpretation of forgiveness." DG

"Very creative. You present a great argument against war." Bishop

"You are spot on!! You nailed it!! Better than best-selling authors, and political pundits. Bravo to you!" JJ

Review 2009:

[Posted on books, December 14, 2009] A beautifully written work, vital to understanding the most important issues of this or any other time. This book provides thoughts, answers and perspectives on so many issues that while timeless, have never been more important than the present. It is truly a blueprint for living that everyone from powerful leaders to "everyday people" should read and use in daily life. There is no judgmental demagoguery, no fire and brimstone, no dire imperatives -- just beautifully presented explanations, answers and prescriptions on living, leadership, and living a fulfilled life. This book doesn't take sides or seek winners and losers. Everyone wins because that is what the natural course of responsible living will produce. An easy read because of it's elegant yet simple style. Everyone should read this book. (by Joseph G. Jenecaro, Hartford, Connecticut) ---> Click here for (Amazon online shopping).

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